February 1, 2024

Most people struggle with starting a weight loss program. 

Often a significant health issue or an upcoming milestone event can be the trigger to stop trying and start doing.

So… you’ve decided you need to lose some kilos. How do you get into the right mindset to make a start, to stay focused and stay on-track?

Are you able to commit to making some changes? If your answer is YES, then let’s look at what’s required to kick start your initial weight loss to get you engaged and excited about continuing this journey and having long term success.

So …. what is required in the initial phase to set you up for success?

We all have our favourite foods and drinks, beliefs about what is healthy and what is not, and ideas about how much or how little we should be eating.

Did you know that many foods we think are “healthy” actually get in the road of our weight loss efforts?

Bottom line is if you are not happy with where your weight and your health are at, then maybe what you’re doing isn’t working and it’s time to make some changes. (Not dissimilar perhaps to what our politicians should be doing!)

Step 1 Commitment

  • No alcohol for 2 months
  • No sweet treats – get them out of the house
  • Protein in all meals and snacks
  • Reduce carbohydrate intake from all sources, healthy or not
  • Stay well hydrated with no or low-calorie drinks, cold or hot

If you’re still serious, get out your diary and cancel any social engagements where you may be tempted or where you know family/friends won’t be fully supportive. It’s even worse if they associate love with food, making you feel awful if you don’t eat the chocolate cheese cake they made specially for you!!

Start with the next four weeks.

Step 2 Commitment

Clean out your pantry and fridge of all highly processed foods. Get rid of foods like snacks, crackers, biscuits, pasta, bread, frozen pre-made meals, sauces, vegetable oils, chocolate, and sweets. Don’t forget the car, office desk and handbag(s) as well. 

We don’t want you to rely on willpower, so just remove all temptation.

Step 3 Commitment

It’s now time to shop and restock your fridge and pantry with protein rich foods and snacks, full fat dairy products and low carb vegetables and fruits (frozen versions are fine). 

Greek yoghurt, hard cheeses, cold cuts, eggs, tofu, meat and seafood are a great start. Ensure good quality olive oil plus salt and pepper. Herbs (fresh or dried) add variety to your meals.

Step 4 Commitment

Now that you have readily available protein rich foods it’s time to schedule some cooking sessions. 

Some easy options that will save you time in the kitchen include:

  • Always make dinner x 2 and have leftovers for lunch the next day.
  • Follow the One Plate Rule, serving your evening meal and then putting the rest in a container in the fridge. Eat your meal, knowing there are no second helpings.
  • Freeze one meal each week in case of emergencies.
  • If doing a roast, do 2 pieces of meat, chicken, fish or lamb, using cold cuts for lunches.
  • If you turn on your oven, always ask what else can I cook? If cooking a frittata add a batch of muffins. If roasting vegetables do two pans instead of one.
  • Have bags of mixed lettuce and your favourite low carb vegetables which you can turn into a salad in less than 5 minutes. Just add protein.

Step 5 Commitment

Portion control may be something you have never thought about before. Many people eat so quickly that they end up overeating before their fullness level kicks in. It takes about 20 minutes for your body to register fullness so eat s-l-o-w-l-y.

Start by chewing your food and putting your knife and fork down between each mouthful. It may take some time to make this one of your new “stay-slim” habits. 

Sit down at a table to eat and include conversation or listen to music. Make eating a time for enjoyment and not to be rushed.

Using smaller plates may also help and only serve yourself one plate. You may need to save the rest to containers and place in the fridge for breakfast or lunch. Yes, cold chops can be a sustaining breakfast. What do you think your ancestors ate for breakfast in the years before cereals were introduced in 1863?

We all come with different habits and beliefs that need to be replaced with healthier habits that work in our favour.

Weight loss should and can be easy but not if we think we can go back to what we were doing previously, that led to our weight struggles. It requires long-term change if you want to have long-term weight and health success.

The secret to success is in your hands. Identify what does not work for you, say goodbye to habits that keep you struggling with your weight and find healthier options that will contribute to your weight and health success.

If you are committed to the above five steps and just need a helping hand, our coaches would love to help you achieve long-term weight and health success.

Most of our coaches have their own weight loss story and can share many tips and strategies plus provide you with weekly accountability.

Reach out if you’re ready to get started.