Through the programme you will find yourself immersed in the strong community of likeminded people with close personal support from your Health Coach - which might prevent you falling off the wagon.
New 6 Weeks Bonus Offer Starting Now

2021 Take Action NOW!
To get more info NOW, fill out the registration below before we are 100% full!
- Only 21 spots available -
*Conditions apply
If you're looking to transform your body and live a lighter, healthier and happier life - this could be the most life-changing page you’ve ever stumbled upon.

Wendy Forman
Healthy Inspirations
My name is Wendy Forman and over the last 14 years I, along with the fantastic staff at Healthy Inspirations Napier, have helped over 2,500 ladies (many just like you), to lose their unwanted kilos – and keep it off for good.
Here's how this special promotion helps participants achieve great results and how they can win an additional 6 weeks free*.
1. Achieving Great Results
If you're accepted into this programme - you'll be handed an Easy Meal Prep programme that's been designed to meet your goals, starting point, dietary preferences (and more) to burn through unwanted fat. This will be your "blueprint" for losing the weight.
You'll then work one-on-one with one of our coaches to guide you on your unique plan to transform your body.
2. Getting 6 weeks bonus*
And then - if you're successful in achieving the target set by us in the first 6 weeks, we will give you your next 6 weeks for nothing.*
We also promise to use ALL the resources at our disposal to guarantee your success - as long as you put in the work and commit to change.
With this programme exercise is 100% optional. But for those who are ready for some exercise we offer exercise in our friendly women's-only centre and also have a great range of online, on-demand workouts and live classes each week which you will also have access to if you'd prefer to exercise at home.
But don't get me wrong.
We know that losing weight and getting in amazing shape isn't as simple as following a training and nutrition plan. Otherwise everyone would be lean and looking amazing.
That's why...
This is NOT a "set and forget" programme where you're handed a "one-size-fits-all" plan and then left alone to struggle. You'll get a unique combination of training, nutrition and coaching plus a supportive community of like-minded people - all on the same journey of achieving optimal health and fitness.
Our experienced health coaches and I will guide and support you through, and you'll have access to recipes, workout tips and just provide much-needed support through the "low points".
I've seen this model transform lives so many times that I'm completely confident you'll get the results if you follow the plan.
We have a culture of hard work, supportive community and RESULTS through time-tested methods. There's no fanfare or shortcuts but our way works if you're prepared to commit to change.
So, if you are tired of trying to change the way you look and constantly coming up short, crumbling or 'falling off the wagon', and you want some extra motivation, support and expert coaching, we can help.
Register at the top of this page, to express interest to learn more, and then we'll ring you to book you in for a free Information session. My team and I will personally review your application to make sure it's a good fit.
If you meet the conditions of this promotion and your application is successful, we will put you on course to change the way you feel and LIVE for the rest of your life.
Register below for more info
What the programme involves

More than a diet, you get a personalised eating plan based on real food. You'll learn how to lose weight, using food from your local supermarket, and receive healthy quick recipes that you and your family can enjoy together.
Our members are amazed that they steadily lose weight without being hungry.
Some say that a 'diet' is the last thing you would call it! Developed by a leading Australian dietician who specialises in healthy eating plans targeted towards women.


You will learn what works for your body as everyone has their own individual tolerance levels for different foods.
This programme is all about education so you know exactly what to do to maintain a healthy and happy life.

One-on-one coaching - face to face or online
Giving you an eating plan and telling you to exercise is like giving a student books without a teacher.
That’s why the Healthy Inspirations programme includes support with face to face, in centre or online video chat, one-on-one coaching sessions. This will help you reach and maintain your healthy weight goal.
Our members often say that it is our one-on-one coaching that made the big difference compared to other things they have tried.

Exercise - optional
The exercise programme options are designed to provide the best exercise for women of all ages wanting a better shape. Not only will you be slimmer, you'll be firmer too.
Our on-demand, do-it-at-home sessions and live online group exercise classes are a part of your membership, so there are no hidden fees. Some are just 10 minutes, so you can fit them in even if busy. But if you have 30 minutes to spare, the circuit in the centre is just the perfect match to ensure you get the resistance exercise that so many miss.
Our special women's exercise protocol burns more calories and gives you a firmer body in less time.
Register below for more info
My Story - Anna

I came to Healthy Inspirations after a really stressful time where I had turned to food for comfort and wasn't feeling great about myself.
Having such great food guidelines to go by is amazing and takes the guesswork out of choosing the right foods. I love that the circuit is half an hour and I always walk away feeling great.
My Story - Millie

“My objective, for personal health reasons was to lose weight and gain fitness applicable to my age - 74. I had been unsuccessful in attempts at other fitness centres until I joined the team at HI and I am very comfortable here.
The staff at HI Napier have been
instrumental in helping me achieve my goals. It took a while but I got there and it is to them I say a big ‘THANK YOU’.”
My Story - Debbie

“I know Healthy Inspirations is the best place for me, I’ve been here from the start. However, I have ‘fallen off the wagon’ a few times, so know the struggles to lose it and keep it off. This time seemed especially difficult when my weight loss faulted, even when I was doing everything on-plan. On great advice from my consultant, it was suggested I cut back on dairy which I was having a lot of and, ‘Hey presto’ I was soon heading towards my goal. That sure worked for me! I can honestly say I haven’t felt or looked this good in years!
I am so grateful for the team at Healthy Inspirations, they support and encourage you the whole way. The food plan is so varied you don’t miss out on anything and the exercise circuit is fun and friendly. I couldn’t ask any more of a lifestyle plan.
Healthy Inspirations will always be a part of my life.”
There Are Only 21 spots available in The Bonus 6 Week Challenge - If You're Seeing This Page Then There Are Spots Open
Achieve the target weight or more in just 6 short weeks. And then - once you're successful... I WILL PAY FOR YOUR next 6 WEEKS Membership and COACHING OUT OF MY OWN POCKET!*
Register below for more info
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