June 3, 2021

If you answered Yes then you’re not alone! 

You’re among 78% of the Australian adult population in 2021 who are trying to lose weight, according to a recent survey conducted by the ABC, with an average of 60,000 participants.

Are you surprised by this percentage? 

Now trying may mean wanting to just lose a few kilos, it may mean wanting to lose fifty kilos, or it may mean that they are just “thinking” about it!

So how do you move from “thinking” to “doing”?

And is there a difference between “knowing” how to lose weight and “actually losing weight”? Most people say, “I know what I’m meant to be doing.” 

But is there a possibility that the belief “I know what I’m meant to be doing” is incorrect?

Is it a false assumption that the one-size-fits-all Healthy Eating Guidelines only suit slim people and not those who potentially have a metabolic disorder that leads to weight gain?

It’s not that we lack the information, but we lack the right information for our body. If you Google “Weight Loss” you will get 1.44 billion answers!

Then, there’s the problem that we may lack the motivation to start, or to stick with a plan – although having a plan with some outcomes, being consistent, having belief in ourselves that we can do this, perhaps having support, being accountable to someone, the ability to let go of unhealthy habits – all contribute to positive outcomes.

Aussies aged under 25, and those over 65, are least likely to be trying to lose weight, while those in their 40s are most likely to say they’re trying to lose weight, according to this recent survey.

Here are some outcomes from the survey that you may agree with. Perhaps you could find extra time in your day to reduce (or say No) to things that aren’t helping you move towards how you want to look and feel.

  • 50% spend too much time online and have trouble switching off 
  • 1/3 say their health has suffered with COVID-19
  • 57% say their mental health hasn’t changed
  • Anxiety has increased mainly in younger people
  • 75% think technology does more harm than good for our mental health

From this survey, Australians think they would be happier if they:

  • Spent more time in nature
  • Took better care of themselves
  • Travelled more often
  • Had more money
  • Slept more
  • Spent more time with family
  • Worked less
  • Socialised more
  • Could do the things they could do before COVID-19 pandemic
  • Were more involved in their community

Even though so many Australians are trying to lose weight, 80% have an optimistic outlook even in the current uncertain times.

So just imagine:

What would need to happen in your life to make you go from “thinking” to “doing”?

We’re ready to help when you’re ready to start.