Lost 21.7kgs and 23.43% of her body weight In February 2024 I finally drew the line in the sand! I had struggled with my weight for years. I was ...

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Over 15,000 women have lost over 150,000 kilos with our coaching program so far
Lost 7kgs and 11% of her body weight Here I am 18 months into my journey towards a healthier person! I approached Healthy Inspirations because I needed help. I ...
WINNER! Lost 10.4 kilos and 11.5% of her body weight in the 12 Week Beat the Winter Blues Challenge I entered the challenge as I needed some motivation as ...
Lost 2.7 kilos in the 12 Week Beat the Winter Blues Challenge I entered the Beat the Winter Blues 12 Week challenge to get fit and healthy for my ...
Lost 21kgs and 19.16% of her body weight Since high school I’ve had additional weight, with fluctuations across the years, but gradually piling on until I was almost 110kg. ...
Lost 8.8kgs and 13.39% of her body weight I joined Healthies 5 years ago and lost 10kg. After a year I decided to leave and tried doing my own ...
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