Fears and frustrations - we understand them and have solutions!
Do you ever find yourself saying...
"I've tried everything and nothing works." CLICK for strategies
This is such a common concern that has been overcome time and again. What members have realised is that their previous attempts at losing weight met one or more of a number of problems:
- It wasn't sustainable, so they couldn't continue it long term.
- It didn't suit the family, and the practice of preparing one meal for themselves and another for the rest of the family was overwhelming.
- Only one aspect of the weight loss puzzle was tackled at a time.
- They constantly felt deprived, or as though they were missing out.
- It was a 'one-size-fits-all' strategy that didn't take individual differences into account.
Our weekly support sessions are a great time to identify any hurdles you are facing, put in place strategies to overcome them, congratulate you on your successes and plan for the week ahead.
"I have family and I don't want to make separate meals." CLICK for answer
Neither do we! Healthy eating patterns are important for everyone, whether or not they have weight to lose. Learning how to adapt basic guidelines to suit all the different family members is an essential component to making lasting change, and you'll work with a coach to fine-tune your family's meals.
"I hate exercise" or "I'm so unfit!" CLICK for answer
We get it. Many women have spent years looking after the needs of others and not taking time to work on themselves. Some members start with excellent fitness while others get puffed out walking from the car to the front door. The big news is that although exercise is desirable for good health, it is not required for weight loss. However we find that when a women who is not exercising loses weight, she becomes more interested and confident to start exercising and that helps with long term weight maintenance and body tone.
"I start things and then lose motivation really quickly." CLICK for strategies
Motivation is great for getting started, but it comes and goes. The support you get at Healthy Inspirations helps turn motivation into habits, and we're always here - along with others in the centre on their own journey - to pick you up and get you back on track.
"I'm too busy. I just don't have any spare time." CLICK for strategies
Our lives are certainly busy and there are multiple demands on us that require attention. What most of our busy members have found is that when they take time for themselves, they cope better with other responsibilities and have a lot more energy to get through their busy days. In reality, all you need is 15 minutes weight loss coaching once a week to make a huge difference.
Our female fitness and weight loss members come from Burnie, Wynyard, Mount Hicks, Somerset, West Ridgley, Tewkesbury, Ridgley, East Cam, Upper Burnie, South Burnie, Stowport, Cuprona, Natone, Upper Natone, Sulphur Creek, Preservation Bay, Penguin, West Ulverstone, Ulverstone and surrounding areas.