COVID-19 Centre Operating Information

All Healthy Inspirations centres are fully compliant with their state ‘Industry Covid-Safe Plan for Fitness Facilities’.

In the event of a total lockdown all members' checkins will be delivered via phone, Zoom, Facetime or Messenger at the same scheduled time.

We’ve done everything to provide safe and hygienic facility for you to enjoy.

As a condition of entry, members and guests are required to:

  • Observe warning signs on the front door that remind all members and visitors not to enter if they feel unwell, or suspect they may have been in contact with anyone who is unwell.
  • If for any reason you cannot come in and you have a scheduled booking for a Checkin, please call the centre in advance so the scheduled Checkin can still be conducted by phone, Zoom, Facetime or Messenger.
  • To attend any class, please use the centre's class booking system. Staff are under strict instructions to give priority to those with bookings and not to permit excess numbers.
  • If you book a spot in a class, and cannot attend, please cancel your booking so. that another may be able to attend.
  • Observe the maximum permitted number in the centre at any time if signage indicates.
  • Scan in upon entry (If you do not have fob, you can purchase a new one.)
  • In some states members and guests may also be required to login using a government tracing QR code app.
  • If mandated to wear a mask, please bring a mask and wear it. If not mandated, any member can feel free to wear a mask if they wish.
  • Wash your hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitiser upon arrival.
  • When in club adhere to any signage advising maximum members numbers in a given area.
  • Use the hand sanitiser stations throughout the club
  • Use the provided disinfectant wipe down resources to wipe exercise equipment before and after use;
  • Bring and use a clean towel each time they attend their session or class;
  • Bring your own drink bottle. If the centre has a bubbler do not drink from it.
  • Make payments and purchases by card and not cash.
  • Avoid physical contact with others: eg handshakes, hugs and partner exercises.
  • Leave the centre once you have completed your workout session.

We’ve implemented the following to keep you safe:

  • Appropriately spaced or labelled equipment to allow members to maintain a physical distance of 1.5m
  • Class numbers are adjusted to reflect the allowable numbers in the class space.
  • In the event of restrictions or lockdowns classes may be simulcast online. Your centre will notify you how to access these classes.
  • On-demand exercise classes are also available on our member's app.
  • Regular sanitisation and cleaning of equipment plus a commercial clean each day
  • Hand sanitiser stations throughout the centre
  • Installed additional signage to assist you in training safely and to make you aware of maximum number of people in a given area
  • Plenty of paper towel and no rinse sanitiser to allow you to clean your equipment before and after use
  • Disabled the water bubbler component of our drinking fountains
  • Restricting the number of members in each area as required

One more thing!

In addition to minimising infection risk (eg vaccine, social distancing and mask wearing) it's wise to do everything possible to achieve and maintain optimal metabolic health. There are many markers of metabolic health that may not be routinely monitored. However, excess weight, especially around the midsection is associated with reduced metabolic health. There are no drugs to treat this. The only solution is the combination of an effective personalised eating plan, regular resistance exercise (muscles are the sugar sinks of the body) and sunshine (for Vitamin D). Of course you should consult with your doctor if you have any health related questions.