Enquire about opening your own Healthy Inspirations business today!
A Unique Business
Healthy Inspirations is the only place a woman can go to get an effective weight loss program, the one-on-one coaching and the exercise all under the one roof.
A Scalable Business
Unlike many local businesses, Healthy Inspirations is not restricted by a geographic territory. With the combination of both in-centre coaching and remote Zoom-based coaching our franchisees can enrol members in different towns, cities and states.
Meet the Founders, Jamie and Ellen Hayes
Becoming parents was challenging. Two of our three sons developed asthma early, and even though Jamie was a bad asthmatic as a young boy, it opened our eyes to pursuing preventive forms of health management to ensure the boys’ ongoing health was optimal.
Food was one area that we found made a difference to them and there started our journey into the association of how “what you put in your mouth” directly affects your health outcomes.
We’re passionate about making a difference to the health outcomes of Australians and New Zealanders, and we’re now looking for other like-minded people to share our passion within their local community.
We’ve been involved in the fitness industry for nearly 40 years; as club owners, group exercise instructors, enthusiastic participants, and now as franchisors.
Over this time, we have come to realise that getting and keeping people fit just wasn’t enough for weight control and health optimisation. Exercise, a nutrition program that suits each individual, and weekly one-on-one support are the key ingredients to our program when it comes to health and wellness.
That’s why Healthy Inspirations was born."
Your role as a franchisee
You’ll be providing an attractive, cost effective, warm, inviting and inclusive solution for local busy women.
Your target member has always put others first: the responsibilities of children, partners, work, and ageing parents place demands on both the time and energy of many women. Realising that their health is as important as everyone else’s, they feel supported and excited when they find what our programs and your centre community can offer.
You and your team’s role is to make members feel welcome and comfortable on their wellness journey, as they meet other like-minded women and form lasting friendships – a sisterhood, if you like.
What qualifications are Required to be a Successful Franchisee?
The primary qualification is the commitment to learning and executing the marketing, sales and service systems. It's about being teachable and following systems.
Franchisees do not require nutritional or exercise qualifications. However, for in-centre members requiring exercise supervision or attending optional classes, it's important that the instructing staff have the appropriate fitness qualifications.
Weight Loss is Just the Beginning
Many franchisees have members who have been attending for over 10 years.
Our approach is build in services and community that lead to a sustainable, supportive and healthy lifestyle.
Who does the marketing? Franchisor or franchisee?
We provide the franchisees with a huge range of marketing resources and support, for the franchisees to implement and control locally. They have control of their own marketing budget.
Increasingly the marketing uses social media, both organic and paid traffic.
Why choose a Healthy Inspirations business?
Ellen and Jamie discuss the reasons people choose to start a Healthy Inspirations business.
It's passion-driven and when people apply the systems they increase their likelihood of creating a successful business.
Listen to the members!
Our franchisee's success is built around the success of their members, not just in weight loss, but ling term weight maintenance.
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We will contact you to set up a Zoom meeting.