To videos by the founders of Healthy Inspirations, click HERE.

Where did Healthy Inspirations come from?

When did Healthy Inspirations start?

Where are territories available? Anywhere near me?

What's the difference between Healthy Inspirations and women's fitness franchises?

What's the difference between Healthy Inspirations and weight loss businesses?

What's unique about the Healthy Inspirations approach to weight loss?

Who is the market (the typical customers) for a Healthy Inspirations centre?

Why only females?

How much does it cost to open a centre?

Do I get an exclusive territory?

What makes for a good site?

What is the royalty and what does it include?

Who controls the local area marketing?

How many staff do I need?

What training is provided?

What on-going support is offered?

Can I set up the centre as 24/7?

Is my income restricted to membership?

Can I offer personal training?

What are the products that are sold at Healthy Inspirations centres?

Can we do distance weight loss coaching?

Tell me about the extra income opportunities from having satellite locations.

Can I sell my business?

Can I open more than one centre?

How long is the franchise term and what happens at the end of the term?

Can I talk with other franchisees?

OK. I think I'm interested to find out more. What do I do now?

To get in contact to find out more, fill out the form below. We'll contact you to set up a Zoom meeting.

*Disclaimer: As each person is different, individual results cannot be guaranteed.