Ready to start feeling great like these ladies?
Call your local centre. All centres provide the program remotely as well. See the list below. Ask for details of our 6 Week Challenge Free Offer.
NSW, Qld & ACT
Coffs Harbour and surround area 0401 002 062
Maitland & remote coaching in Qld, NSW & ACT 02 4934 3877
Blackwood & remote coaching in SA, NT & WA 08 8278 2822
Frewville & remote coaching in SA, NT & WA 08 8338 7279
Prospect & remote coaching in SA, NT & WA 08 8342 4938
TAS & Vic
Burnie & remote coaching in Tas & Vic 03 6432 4749
New Zealand
Lower Hutt & remote coaching anywhere in NZ 04 587 0522
Napier & remote coaching anywhere in NZ 06 835 8402