Every time we see a summary of the pros and cons of low-carb eating patterns, journalists discuss how effective it is for weight loss and health improvement. Despite this, they advise against going low-carb. The reason why?
“It’s too hard to stick to.”
This is a most bizarre conclusion. What they’re saying, effectively, is that it’s easier to be overweight and sick than it is to eat healthy foods.
There are definitely pros and cons. This is true of any eating pattern, yet the journalistic evaluation that low-carb is “too hard” is an attitude based on their personal judgement, not a fact proven by what they’re reporting.

There’s no doubt that it’s easier to buy prepared food than it is to make your own. You could stop at the bakery on the way to work, pop in to McDonalds at lunch, and grab chicken and fries on the way home from work. Imagine it all lined up on a table. Beige.
Food convenience has consequences. It makes you gain weight, feel sluggish, become depleted in essential vitamins and minerals, and likely develop health conditions which necessitate developing long and regular relationships with your doctor and pharmacist.
Instead, you could take the “hard” route. Go shopping. Prepare your own food. Eat real food, knowing the ingredients it contains. As with anything, there are consequences: lower weight, more energy, improved skin and mood and health, and feeling positive about your future health and wellness.
How hard is it to eat real food? Here’s a sample of what a typical low-carb day might look like:

- Breakfast – eggs and chorizo with kale and tomatoes

- Lunch – chicken with vegies

- Dinner – Italian meatballs with a green salad
It’s colourful. The colour in food like this never rates a mention in reporting on low-carb diets. Aesthetically, colour delights the senses and it looks appetising. It also tastes great and nutritionally, colour provides vitamins and minerals and antioxidants.
We have choices about most things in our lives. Sometimes these choices are more important than others, and sometimes the consequences of the choices are more dire than others. The questions to ask yourself is “What choice will I make?”