Lost 12.6kg and 30cm.

After 2 years of dating the most amazing man, he proposed!!! All my dreams were coming true, but imagining myself in a beautiful gown at the weight I was…that was a nightmare! I knew that I had to change my habits.

Both my parents struggle with their weight and tried different weight loss programmes, some having better results than others.  I didn’t have a concern about my weight, but then I turned 18 and moved out of home and purchased a car.  I found myself an extra 10kg heavier without too much effort.  That is where my struggle with weight really started.  17 years later, I am still in that battle.

I love food, I don’t mind exercise, but I could never quite work out a good balance.  A year ago, my Mum responded to an ad for a weight loss challenge with Healthy Inspirations.  I thought to myself, ‘go Mum, hope it works, but I’ll pass on that one’.  I watched her diligently exercise, eat EXACTLY to plan and within 5 months she lost 27kg!!! 27!!! I was floored…she looked so amazing…and she has kept it off a year later!  But I still wasn’t convinced that it was something I could do.  It just looked too hard.  But then the proposal happened. I told Mum I needed to try Healthy Inspirations, met with Ange and started.

The first week was really hard, I found myself in tears almost every day, but by week 2 I got stuck in.  The weight was coming off thick and fast and that motivated me to keep going.  I have currently lost 12kg and I have another 18kg to go.  I am confident that I will achieve my goal because of the support, programme and motivation I am surrounded by.

I have SO much more energy, throughout the entire day even into the evening.  My wardrobe has DOUBLED…because now I can fit my ‘skinny’ clothes. 

I have consistently lost weight every week and I can see that I now have more shape and tone to my body. I feel happier, I feel lighter and I am feeling a lot more confident.

I absolutely could NOT have got the results I have at this point in my journey without the weekly meetings I have with my coaches Ange and Leigh.  They are so supportive, they keep me accountable and when I look at food that I am not supposed to eat I picture myself sitting down with them a couple of days later and know that it’s just not worth it.  I am not very good at motivating myself, I really need external motivation – so this programme works perfectly for me.


  1. Stick to the programme EXACTLY
  2. Ask your coaches for some recipes to keep it exciting so you don’t feel like you are eating the same thing every day.
  3. Exercise at the very least 3 times a week – do the circuit twice each time you go if you can manage it.