Lost 11.5kgs and 42cms

When times get stressful or I’m not in a good head space I’ve always taken it out on my poor old body. Too many drinks, way too much of the unhealthy food and in much bigger quantities! That starts me on a road to not looking after myself, the dieting and bingeing cycle, the next fad diet or exercise routine that doesn’t last and the body confidence issues that goes along with all of it.

There have been times in my life where I’ve felt out of control about what I was eating and how it was making me feel. I knew I needed to start to understand my emotional eating and that I wasn’t getting any younger, so my upcoming 40th birthday seemed like the right time to make some significant changes.

Healthies is in my suburb and I’d walked past many times to see…hear (Coach Ellissa-Mae) when the 6:30am class was in full swing. One morning I thought, I’ve got a few months before my 40th I need to look and feel better about myself.

When I signed up with Nola it felt like I was in the right place. The weekly nutrition check-in with Ann and the team and the morning classes with everyone supporting each other, it was exactly what I needed to keep me going. After years of treating my body like a yoyo I had consistency and when I couldn’t be at a class I couldn’t believe how much I missed it.

I have PCOS, so it was always going to be a bit of a longer journey but by my 40th I was so happy with my progress and after that I just kept going. I realized how much I enjoyed exercise and began to plan my weeks around it rather than trying to fit it in and the flow on of that was it really made me want to eat healthier. The meal planning and talking through my food with the team helped me to understand my patterns, triggers and when its ok to give yourself a break and just move the hell on. Reaching my goal was awesome, I feel so much better on the outside but tougher, in control and more resilient on the inside.

My top 3 tips are:

  1. If you drink the wine or eat the sometimes food, just enjoy it… and move on…
  2. If you hit a plateau change up your exercise routine (I added some Pilates and it made a huge difference to my body shape)
  3. Take the compliments, you work hard for them

Thanks fabulous Healthies team and all the awesome ladies at 6:30am.