Lost 12kg, reducing her body fat by 11.8%

We have 2 Kelpies at home. One of them in her younger days was able to jump up into our arms. One particular night, my husband got home from work and asked Kelpie to jump. She didn’t. Husband jokingly said, “She’s OLD and FAT LIKE US.” THAT WAS IT!!! I joined Healthy Inspirations that next day and have not looked back.  

That trigger event was enough to change my entire outlook about myself and my lifestyle. I needed to take responsibility for my life now and for the future. It is my time now!  Changing my whole eating and exercise lifestyle was a concern, but I chipped away a little at a time and kept my focus on me. I stuck to the program because the program works.

My lower back no longer aches as it did. I am so much stronger. I’ve not had a headache for 9 months. I feel proud of myself – I did it and I’m still doing it.

And as for my husband?  He’s lost 10 kilos too!

The weekly coaching is fantastic.  It keeps me on track, encourages and congratulates me on my successes.  As well as that, I get some great recipes and advice to keep me going in my new lifestyle.  It really is invaluable.

Since reaching my goal I’ve had the joy of buying new, smaller clothes and a surprising benefit is that my grocery bill is cheaper.  

I take the stairs now at any opportunity and I walk taller.

If you want to change your life for the better, what are you waiting for? Healthy Inspirations is where it will happen.

My 3 top tips are:

  1. Make the time for yourself. Make yourself your purpose.
  2. Only you can do it, and you can!!!
  3. If you want to change your life, to have fun with a group of like-minded women, then join Healthy Inspirations.