Lost 8.2 kilos and 10.3% of her body weight in the 12 Week Beat the Winter Blues Challenge

Weight loss was an important factor for entering the challenge, but I also needed to work on my self-esteem. I haven’t liked myself for years and it was affecting my mental health.

The 12 week timeframe tied in beautifully with my focus of looking and feeling fabulous before a holiday. I’ve never let myself feel happy on holidays as I was uncomfortable. Challenge ended days before take-off!

Before I started the challenge, I was almost unable to walk with ankle and low back issues. Not anymore!

I love the weekly coaching and accountability. Without it there would be no going over strategies and focus.

My Top 3 Tips

  1. Follow the program. It does work.
  2. Record absolutely everything. You can go back through your books to see the peaks and troughs and what works.
  3. I stopped drinking before commencing at Healthie’s. It helped tremendously. Not drinking and increasing exercise are big keys to success.