Lost 10.4kg, 19.7% of her body weight and 8kg of fat
Turning 60 was my trigger to try to lose some weight and increase my exercise, in order to reduce my risk factors for medical conditions and events associated with ageing.
I had investigated joining Healthy Inspirations in or around 2014 or 2015, but ended up deciding it wasn’t ‘my time’ to start a food plan and exercise routine. With hindsight (a wonderful thing), it was probably exactly the time I should have started!
Even so, when I did register with Healthy Inspirations in October 2021, I didn’t think the food plan and exercise routine would work! Because nothing else I’d tried (on my own over many years) had worked.
I’m loving life now! I feel great, and feel I’m much more positive than I used to be.
The most noticeable benefit is that I feel ‘lighter’, both mentally and physically. Mentally, I just feel happier. The silly everyday stresses that used to drag me down just don’t seem to be there, anymore. Or maybe I don’t notice them, now. I seem to look at the bigger picture in life now, rather than the little niggles. I feel great.
Physically, I’m smaller, but stronger! I don’t get puffed out taking the dogs out now. I can walk for miles! I can move heavy things (sensibly) around the house and garden without calling for help. I can get the food shop bags from the car to the front door without feeling irritable that no one’s come to help… because I don’t need any help!
I was pleased to account for my food intake and definitely felt that was a major part in keeping to the food plan and gym circuit. But I enjoyed the challenge of really seeing if this plan really WOULD work. I stuck to any advice given, just to make sure I wasn’t doing anything that might jeopardise my chances.
I like going to the gym and doing the circuit at my own pace, even though I didn’t believe it would make any difference (it does). And the support from the coaches (and the other members) was always positive and encouraging.
I like being my new size. I feel more like the person I used to be. I felt I changed into someone I didn’t really know as I journeyed through life’s experiences, and I wanted to return to the person I felt was really me. And I’m back!
I would highly recommend Healthy Inspirations to any of my friends. Just do it. Don’t waste time ‘wondering if it really works.’ It does.
My 3 top tips are:
- Just walk in through the door. I think that is the hardest part to do.
- Stick to the Food Plan (there are lots of choices) AND the exercise routine. Neither are hard. I NEVER felt hungry. You can do the gym circuit and/or exercise at your own pace… because you still get quicker, and stronger!
- Reap the benefits! This does work! And you will feel great!