Lost 15kg

I underwent an Arthroscopy on my painful arthritic knee and needed partial knee replacement on both knees and was strongly encouraged to lose weight by the surgeon. At the age of 52 I was determined to put off this surgery.

I started a new role coordinating an Aged Care program and was supporting women as young as 65 who were overweight, requiring knee and hip surgery, lacking mobility and energy who were reliant on home support to live independently. I realised, this could be me unless I made a change!

January 2014 my sister invited me to Healthy Inspirations with her: I was reluctant at first but after 12 months of going it alone with no improvement, thankfully I joined Blackwood.

I work fulltime and prioritise going to Blackwood on my way home from work 4 nights a week and Saturday morning. It is part of my routine and I can’t imagine my life without it!

My eating habits have also changed, I no longer eat bread and have continued to reduce carbs, and have cut out sugar. My husband and I used to indulge in a 250g block of Cadbury milk most nights, now we have a few squares of 90% cocoa chocolate instead.

I always wanted to play golf. My father was an avid golfer until his stroke and I wanted to make him proud, but the prospect of walking 5 hours on a hilly golf course was out of the question. After 6 months at H.I. Blackwood, I started golf lessons. My weight loss and improved muscle strength in not just my legs, but my arms and back have made a round of golf easy and pleasurable.

My life has been transformed, I am happy and confident in myself, the way I look and feel, and I encourage others to undertake the same journey for overall well-being.


  1. Choose as many classes for the week as you can which fit in with your work/family and commit to attending them every week until they too become part of your new regime.
  2. Get chatting with the other women on the machines doing circuit, you will see them regularly and you can say ‘see you tomorrow night’ etc keeping you accountable.
  3. Don’t feel guilty if you slip up or have a set back on the program, it happens to everyone, just get back into it and look forward not back.