Lost 8.3kgs and 12.96% of her body weight and kept it off for 12 years!
I have been a member at Healthy Inspirations for over 12 years now, and before I came here, I had put on weight, was hungry and eating junk food and processed ready-made foods. This was affecting my health and self-esteem and I couldn’t stand the rolls of fat around my waistline, legs and tummy. As a single lady, I really wanted to make sure the program was affordable and that I would fit in. Once I started, I have never looked back and have formed close friendships with many of the members.
I used to love to go on cruises and noticed my body was different after each cruise I went on. I would indulge in everything the ship had to offer without thinking about it. I usually put 3-4 kilos on with each trip and I didn’t feel good about it. I knew I had to change the way I ate if I wanted to change my body shape.
That’s where joining Healthies made such a difference to my approach to my health, fitness and social life. I began to learn how to substitute those high calorie and refined foods with healthier options. Instead of eating convenience food on the job, I would take my Greek salad or ham and salad and Healthy Inspirations protein snacks with me and have coffee as my ‘treat’. I also found out how much of an impact a glass of wine with dinner each night had on my waistline, so I made sure I had more alcohol-free days each week. When I went on a cruise, I was eating and drinking more mindfully, thus avoiding gaining so many kilos.
I find I don’t get hungry when I follow the program. The recipes are really interesting and varied, so I don’t get bored and they make it easier to stay on plan. I really didn’t want to buy bigger size clothing when I had heaps of smaller clothes in my wardrobe and after losing the weight, I feel more confident in my clothes and generally happier. I think my healthier lifestyle makes me look and feel a few years younger too. If you keep going with your healthy lifestyle and working out regularly, you don’t tend to develop more health problems.
Throughout the years I changed roles to a support worker, which is quite physical. I suffered a lumbar injury at work (and a whiplash injury while driving) but found the exercise advice I received by the fitness instructors at Healthies helped me immensely. I also find my body copes better now because I’m stronger, lighter and more flexible. I’m using a lot of different muscles and that helps with my strength and flexibility. I want to live as long as my mum; she’s 92. When I first came here, I only used the circuit but now I do many of the classes. I love them all and as an added bonus, I’ve always wanted a pair of sexy legs and I’ve got them now!
I tell all my friends that Heathies is the best program one can join. The staff and members are fantastic and we are all there to support and encourage each other. The one on one weekly coaching makes all the difference, as it is individually tailored to my circumstances and keeps me supported, accountable and motivated to maintain my goals.
Following a healthy eating plan or a ‘diet’ is not just 1-2 weeks. It takes 3 months or longer to change your eating habits so it’s important that it is something you can do for the rest of your life. Nowadays I shop differently at the supermarket; I just don’t buy the junk food I used to, or eat a lot of crisps, crackers and sweet biscuits.
My 3 top tips are:
- Ditch the carbs, cakes, breads etc. They look great but are high in calories and low on nutrition. Use the weekly recipes as they are really tasty, healthy and will help lose weight
- Moderate partying and alcohol intake
- Follow the nutrition program you are given and apart from losing weight you will stop feeling bloated and uncomfortable too.