Lost 21kgs and 91.5cms

I had been unhappy with my weight for some time, I had always been thin but since turning 50 I had slowly piled on the kilos.

After suffering a few episodes of vertigo and the last one being just horrendous I went to my Dr to see if there was something I could do or take if it happened again.

She was concerned it may have been more than vertigo so sent me for multiple tests.

A brain MRI confirmed I had suffered a stroke and blood tests showed I had also had a small heart attack. This was enough for me to realise I had to do something.

I asked my Dr for help in losing weight as in the past I felt like it didn’t matter how little I consumed I couldn’t lose any weight. My Dr gave me a voucher for Healthy Inspirations.

I feel that after participating for over a year now it’s become my new normal and the lessons I’ve learned will see me keep the weight off into the future. I can honestly say it’s been much easier than I anticipated.

My health has improved dramatically, I no longer need blood pressure medication. For the first time in many years my blood results are all within normal range. I sleep better and have more energy. I feel so much lighter not carrying all the extra weight around.

I think the weekly coaching is a large part of the success of the program. All the ladies that work at Healthy Inspirations are very helpful and encouraging and easy to talk to. It helps having to be accountable to someone other than just yourself.

By completing the food journal it helps to identify if there are too many high carb foods interfering with weight loss.

I’m aware of what I need to do and will continue to keep the weight off. I enjoy having my yummy protein bar for morning tea with my coffee and cream. I have a strawberry protein shake every afternoon which I love. I no longer have cereal for breakfast and enjoy having nut muesli from the recipe book provided with ricotta and strawberries.

I think I eat more now than I did before. In the past, I would eat less and less and still not lose weight but didn’t realise it was the high carbs doing the damage.

I would highly recommend Healthy Inspirations to anyone wanting to lose weight and who wants to feel better about themselves. It’s been life changing for me.

My 3 top tips are:

  1. Trust and believe in the program because it definitely works.
  2. Complete your journal every day and be accountable.
  3. Make the most of the support available to you.