Lost over 40kg.

I had been watching Jeanette for quite some time at Bingo and saw how great she was doing. She was and still is such an inspiration. I thought that if she could do it, so could I. When I saw the Healthy Inspirations stall at Rutherford shopping Centre, I thought to myself that this was now my time and walked over and signed up.

I am off my Diabetes medication, which is the best result I could ever hope for. My BP is good now as well. I feel a lot better in myself then I have for a very long time and I have more energy as well. I now feel confident to do things that I wouldn’t have before.

When people ask me what I have been doing, I tell them that I have been going to Healthy Inspirations, and following their diet advise and exercise program. I tell them how fabulous it is and how everyone there is really friendly, they have become like an extend family. You get all the support you need and it’s a fantastic facility.

I found it really easy. There were no cravings especially with the snacks – chocolate bars and cookies. I love the shakes, they give me my chocolate fix! The best thing about the snacks is that your never hungry and you don’t end up picking at stuff that you shouldn’t. I didn’t feel like I was on a diet at all. I just learned to eat healthy, no more junk food, just the good stuff.

I love my veggies anyway, but bulking up on veggies at dinner and salads at lunch was just great.

The exercise component of the program was just as easy as the food component. The circuit is really easy to use and it’s a great friendly environment.

One of the best parts is the staff at Healthy Inspirations. They are so friendly and caring, always helpful and get you back on track whenever you have slip here or there. This was done in a way that I felt supported and never bullied or pushed.

I must not forget to mention “The Chair”. I enjoy using it, and it’s great to get not only a message but some time out to myself.

Having lost over 40kilos, my Doctor is so happy with me and she tells everybody about me and Healthy Inspirations Maitland.

There is nothing I didn’t enjoy at Healthy Inspirations during my journey to my goal weight and I would recommend it to anyone.