Lost 11.7kgs and 13.4% of her body weight
I joined Healthies to do something just for me. I had lost my mum and my mojo. I felt flat and flat and knew within myself that something needed to change. I needed to move some weight and knew that I couldn’t do it by myself. Some friends were at Healthies and had great success, and all I needed to do was just get into the mindset that it’s ok to put yourself first.
There have been so many lifestyle benefits of following the program and I find as a result that I can make good food decisions. Following the program is easy and I can still accommodate a sporty, hungry, carb loving family – thanks mainly to mushrooms and cauliflower for me. When I go out, I search out the salad, fish and veggie options. If pizza and champagne are the only options – what’s a girl meant to do!
I love all the coaches at Healthies. My weekly nutrition check-ins have been the most important part of my time with Healthies. Filling in my food planner, thinking about the menus for me and my family for the week, knowing what challenges lie ahead make it easier to keep on plan and plan for indulgences.
My clothes fit and some of my favourites are just too big now as I have dropped at least one dress size. Other benefits are that I don’t feel bloated, am more energetic and my headspace seems lighter too.
When starting Healthies it really needs to be a personal decision to do something just for you. Commit to the program, accept the support and community that Healthies brings, and the results will come. It will take time and there will be ups and downs along the way.
My 3 top tips are:
- Really want to do it. Make the goal realistic. Stick to the program. Weigh the protein. Cut the carbs.
- Don’t sweat the small things. Have that champagne. Have that slider. Make up for it later in the week.
- Be prepared for when you know you will go ‘off plan’. No more cheese platters, go straight to mains. Dessert anyone? Yoghurt whips in the fridge ready to rock.