Lost 14.6kg, reducing her body fat by 6.9%
Before starting at Healthy Inspirations I was very overweight, unfit and sick of looking terrible in clothes. I wanted to be healthy and fit going into my 50s and 60s. Now I’m nearly 70 and feel great!
My only concern about being able to lose weight was my own mindset. But I knew if I stuck to the program it would work. I have gone up and down weight-wise over the years but never back to how I was originally.
Overall, I’ve noticed a great improvement in my strength, fitness and shape. I know I would miss the feeling of being fit and strong, and the wonderful friendships I’ve formed at Healthy Inspirations if I didn’t attend.
The weekly coaching is invaluable to keep me on track and honest with slip-ups, which I do have. In the past I would have given up and said, “Too hard.”
My happiness has increased and I feel completely in control of food choices, with the ability to get back on track when I go off course. There is a great community at Healthy Inspirations which I love.
If you’re thinking about losing weight, go with Healthy Inspirations, you won’t look back. However long it takes to get to your goal doesn’t matter. Your health will improve as well as your shape. Stick with it!
My 3 top tips are:
- Write everything down in your journal – the good and the bad.
- Attend Healthy Inspirations as least three times a week.
- Ask questions.