Hit her goal and lost 2.3 kilos in the 12 Week Beat the Winter Blues Challenge

I set myself the goal to be sub 80kg for my son’s 21st birthday party on the 17th of Aug and I’m very proud to say that I achieved that.

Sometimes I lose sight of my long term goal. It is most definitely aspirational and at times seems a LONG way off. Setting myself a shorter term goal made for a shift in focus as well as my attitude because I bloody well did it. An added bonus was a distraction from the cold Adelaide winter weather. Getting up and getting moving made a difference to my mental and physical health.

I think the importance of having healthy habits in place is starting to pay dividend. It’s becoming a no brainer to have healthy snacks and “go to” meals in my fridge/freezer/pantry.

The weekly coaching, accountability and support is invaluable and a huge part of my success. Accepting that I need the accountability was a huge shift in my mindset. The coaches at HEALTHIES are supporting me 100% of the time. You can’t always rely on others to be that reliable – sometimes not even myself.

Because if you stick to the program it works. If you take the “good” elements from all the other weight loss programs, put them into one, include the support of the coaches and build a fun community of like minded people supporting each other that’s not about perfection and that’s not a cult – that’s HEALTHIES.

Some things that have really worked for me are:

  1. Make time for meal prep. If/when the house of cards comes tumbling down my eating doesn’t have to collapse too.
  2. Rock up. Rock up for my weigh in even if I think I’ve had a “bad” week. Rock up for class even if I haven’t slept or have had a busy day at work. I never leave the centre saying “I wish I hadn’t gone there.
  3. Habits habits habits. Setting up healthy habits gives me time to think and do other things. What a revelation!!