Lost 4 kilos and 13.5 cm.

I sold my business after 11 years. It’s time to find myself again and get back to being fit and healthy.

By attending weekly weigh in and coaching it gives me a goal to aim for. Helps keep me on track, no cheating on food choices, inspires me to exercise so I see a good result at each check-in. The encouragement gifts given at each milestone are fantastic, and really help me feel like the staff are very interested in and excited about my achievements.

It’s been only 5 1/2 weeks so far but I have steadily increased my physical output each week as well as rediscovering the joy of creating healthy meals. Eating within the program helps me decide on the menu each week where I create some great new vegetarian dishes that are delicious and filling. My husband is loving it that he gets regular meals now!

I have more energy, clothes fit much better, mood is more positive, and feeling fitter.

It’s a great friendly place to go to begin your journey back to being the best version of yourself, fit and healthy in way that can easily be maintained.


  1. Plan ahead so you have good food choices available and ready at all times so you can avoid the blood sugar spikes and lows.
  2. Keep moving, do some form of physical activity each day, even if it’s just a 30 minute walk.
  3. Don’t give up if you slip up on a meal here and there, just consider it a small hiccup and get back to the healthy program for the next meal.