Lost 10.5kg and 57.5cm
I decided to join the Healthy Inspirations nutrition program after I saw my photo on Facebook. I couldn’t believe it was me and thought if I didn’t do something, I’d be even bigger in another 12 months.
I was unfit, embarrassed, had very little energy and was eating too many sugary foods. The way I looked and felt in my clothes affected my confidence, so I began to avoid certain styles of clothing.
The program was easier than I thought. I never felt judged and I received nothing but encouragement and support from the team and members at Healthy Inspirations. Before long I came to realise that I could live without all the sweet things and desserts. I began to eat well and often enough to avoid hunger, so I didn’t even crave them. With a little bit of planning and some healthy recipes, the whole family could eat well. Instead of shopping once a week, I shopped about three times, buying exactly what I needed to cook the meals I had planned for. I also never thought I’d be a ‘gym person’ but the variety of classes kept me interested and the girls were great fun.
The whole family has benefited from the changes I’ve made.
We are all eating healthily and my two daughters have a mum who demonstrates healthy eating habits; hopefully this will have positive long term implications for them. One of them actually calls me a ‘yummy mummy’ and my husband is impressed with how committed I am to regular exercise and likes my renewed self-confidence. My success in the program has given me the confidence and energy to be who I want to be. I can now wear whatever I want without worrying – even a bikini!
My Top Tips:
- Be organised with food – plan meals ahead, shop regularly to avoid running out of healthy food options
- Make protein muffins ; they’re easy to freeze and take to work
- Don’t panic! If you have a slip-up, you can make up for it by getting back on plan