Lost 7.8kg in Beat the Winter Blues 12 week Transformation

I first started at Healthy Inspirations as I was wanting to reduce my cholesterol and regain fitness and core strength after an operation last year. The Christmas and family golf day photos were a prompt to get into better shape and reduce my size.

In January I needed to buy a new dress to wear to a funeral as my other dresses didn’t fit. As I had been wanting to get healthier and lose weight for a while and that was the tipping point. I was looking around for a gym program or Zumba classes to suit me and my available time. At the end of January a friend was telling me about this program she just joined, Healthy Inspirations. Being nearby my work I got on the website straight away and booked an appointment for the next day so I could join and have the added benefit of knowing someone else there so we could encourage each other.

One concern was my ability to get focused and stay focused. Another was my ability to maintain a balance between time with my partner and sons and time spent on a routine of exercise for my health. I felt I was my own worst enemy putting pressure on myself to be home cooking dinner for the family and spending time with my loving partner. I just needed to change my own expectations to get the balance right.

My heartburn is gone, I feel more energetic, healthier, fresher feeling skin and my golf swing is improving now that my bust is reducing. I was very excited when I was able to do full sit ups again. I hadn’t been able to do sit ups since my hysterectomy last year and felt so weak in the core that I couldn’t imagine being able to do a situp again. Losing weight also helped overcome my plantar fasciitis which helps me be more active as well.

The weekly checkins are invaluable to help keep me accountable. The personal relationship with my coach and all the team helps me to stay focused and on track. The positivity and encouragement from the team is really important. Also, the online messages, sharing recipes and other member updates all help show the progress that can be made.

The phone calls during lockdown reminded me to stay focused and I remembered the coaching tip to wear more fitted clothes to keep on track. Being home in lockdown and wearing baggy clothes made me feel horrible. Even a phone call to stay connected made such a big difference to keep on track.

Feeling happier in myself, sleeping better and more confident. Having nice feedback from work colleagues about how good I look and positive reinforcement from the ‘golf girls’ has been an unexpected bonus. My progress has also helped my partner refocus on his goals. It’s great to put our arms all the way around each other again!

Fitting into smaller clothes which I kept has been an exciting achievement. Being able to give away big clothes as I lose size has been a nice feeling too. I now fit back into the dress which I wore to my son’s wedding 8 years ago. Shopping for new smaller clothes is enjoyable.

I have learnt to prioritise my exercise, the importance of eating well and the carbohydrate mix which works for me. I have learnt to balance time between my health, family, and work. I book the Healthy Inspirations classes, golf and walking in my calendar then fit in weekly shopping, cleaning, cooking around being active instead of leaving exercise to fit into any time left over after household chores.

Healthy Inspirations is a very supportive program which offers an eating plan, personalised coaching and support with a great variety of exercise options.

I really like the opportunity to try different classes and the team all have big hearts and are very supportive. The other members are all friendly and welcoming too.

My 3 top tips:

  1. Planning meals around my upcoming schedule for the week.
  2. Adding all planned exercise to my mobile phone calendar.
  3. Setting alarms for snacks means I get the right amount of protein each day.