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Free protein powder
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Promotion only available during Aug
Hi there,
Your friend who sent you the text is a member at Healthy Inspirations and is following our unique private weight loss coaching program, either in one of our centres (females only) or via private Zoom (males and females).
Summer is just a few months away. By taking action now, you could be 6 to 12 kilos lighter and slimmer by summer.
If you're interested to learn about our unique program via a quick 10 min call, just fill out the form below. If you become a member, we will send you both a tub of our delicious Shaken Jamaican protein powder (value $65) as it makes weight loss so much easier..
Just by registering, we'll immediately send you our members-only Eat Healthy Everyday low carb meals eBook (value $29.95) you can load on your phone or tablet. This is a gift whether you join or not.
Fill out the form below.