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Free protein powder

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Promotion only available during Aug

Hi there,

Your friend who sent you the text is a member at Healthy Inspirations. She participates in our weight & wellness coaching program. We coach some members in our Blackwood centre, and many around the country via private Zoom chat. It takes just 15 mins a week.

Summer is just a few months away. By taking action now, you could be 6 to 12 kilos lighter and slimmer by summer.

If you're interested to learn about our program via a free 10 min call, just fill out the form below.

If you decide to become a member, we will send you both a tub of our delicious Shaken Jamaican protein powder (value $65 each) that makes weight loss so much easier.

As a gift for registering for the call, we'll send you our Eat Healthy Everyday low carb meals eBook (value $29.95) that you can load on your phone or tablet. 

If interested to learn more, just fill out the form below.