July 28, 2016

What makes weight loss success so easy for some and so hard for others? Saying something like “She’s just lucky” ignores the work “she” has put in. Weight loss success is dependent on a range of factors: age, genetics, history of weight-related health problems, hormones, activity levels, medications, and – perhaps most importantly – attitude.

The most successful have everything going for them: their bodies and their minds are working in harmony to make new choices and create new behaviours. They’re not “just lucky”. Without the right attitude, all the age and genetic and hormonal benefits mean nothing.

It’s the same for those who find the weight loss journey more difficult. Sure, there are factors which make it harder to lose weight, but these factors do not determine choices or behaviours: attitude does.

Ask anyone who has achieved a weight loss goal “Did it matter how long it took?”, the answer will be “No”.

Whether it took two months to reach a small goal or five years to achieve a larger one, the response will always be that the time didn’t matter, the change in behaviours did.

Behaviour change takes time, and old habits are very easy to slip back into, especially when times are tough. Or you’re tired. Or you walk past the bakery. Or you argue with your spouse. The list goes on.

In establishing new habits that will give you weight control for a lifetime, there are some basic steps you need to follow.

5 steps to success

  1. Set your goals clearly and review them daily.

Reading or reciting your goals keeps them at the forefront of your mind, and enables you to make decisions that help you to reach the goals. Keep the big picture in mind rather than focusing on daily problems.

  1. Be realistic with your goals.

There’s no point for someone who experiences slow weight loss to expect to lose 20kg in three months. Some people can do it, there’s no doubt, but most don’t. Most people need a slower approach that allows for the occasional slip-up, and for the unexplainable ups and downs that invariably happen.

  1. Follow your program with discipline.

Making your own adjustments usually doesn’t work, and so the result is weight loss that doesn’t work. Stick to what works, with diligence. Over time it’s tempting to allow small deviations to occur, and this is usually the reason behind these people not succeeding.

  1. Ask questions as they arise.

If you need to, write them down so you don’t forget to ask. Your Health Coaches love questions and on the occasion they don’t have the answer, they have the resources to find out.

  1. Celebrate the small wins.

No, not with food. Find ways to celebrate and reward yourself in ways that do not involve eating or drinking.