Summer Body Transformation 21 days free Lower Hutt - Healthy Inspirations

Summer Body Transformation

21 Days FREE*

Summer Body Transformation

21 days FREE*

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You Are Just 21 Days Away

From Your Summer Body!

To Get More Info Now, Fill Out The Registration Above Before Time Runs Out and Summer is Here!

If you're looking to transform your body and live a lighter, healthier and happier life - this could be the most life-changing website you’ve ever stumbled upon. 

Ange Young
Healthy Inspirations Lower Hutt

My name is Ange Young and over the last 10 years I, along with the fantastic staff here at Healthy Inspirations Lower Hutt, have helped over 1,200 ladies (just like you), to lose their unwanted kilos – and keep it off for good.

Now, I’m giving a limited group of carefully selected ladies the chance to do the same for FREE for 21 days*

* Here's how it works. If you're accepted onto this program – you will join and pay for our initial 21 day program. You will be guided and supported throughout our training and nutritional program that's been designed to meet your goals, starting point, any injuries, dietary requirements (and more) to burn through unwanted fat. This will be your "blueprint" for losing weight.

You'll then work your butt off with our highly skilled coaches, in a supportive group environment and follow your unique plan to transform your body.

* We will set a target goal for 21 days and when you're successful in achieving this you will receive your next 21 days membership and coaching as your reward for FREE.

I also promise to use ALL the resources at my disposal to guarantee your success - as long as you put in the work and commit to change.

*As an additional bonus I will also include a complimentary starter protein pack for your everyday snacks to ensure your success.

But don't get me wrong.

We know that losing weight and getting in amazing shape isn't as simple as following a training and nutrition plan. Otherwise everyone would be lean and looking amazing.

That's why...


This is NOT a "set and forget" program where you're handed a plan or an app and then left alone to struggle. You'll get a unique combination of training, nutrition and mindset coaching that's administered in a supportive community of like-minded people - all on the same journey to a life of health and fitness.

My expert health coaches and I will guide and support you through, and you'll have access to new friends to share recipes, workout tips and just provide much-needed support through any challenges.

I've seen this model transform lives so many times that I'm completely confident you'll get the results if you follow the plan.

We have a culture of hard work, supportive community and RESULTS through time-tested methods. There's no fanfare or shortcuts but our way works.

So, if you are tired of trying to change the way you look and constantly coming up short, crumbling or "falling off the wagon", and you want some extra motivation, support and expert coaching, we can help.

Register at the top or bottom of this page, to express interest to learn more, and then we'll organise a time for a FREE Information session. My team and I will personally review your application to make sure it's a good fit.

If your application is successful, we will put you on course to change the way you look, feel and LIVE for the rest of your life.

What the 21 Day Transformation involves


More than a diet, you get a personalised eating plan based on real food. You'll learn how to lose weight, using food from your local supermarket, and receive healthy quick recipes that you and your family can enjoy together.

Our members are amazed that they steadily lose weight without being hungry. Some say that a 'diet' is the last thing you would call it! Developed by leading Australian dieticians who specialise in healthy eating plans targeted towards women.


Through the program you will find yourself immersed in the strong community of likeminded women with close personal support from your Health Coach - which is what will inevitably keep you coming back for more! 

Healthy Inspirations is a judgement free zone. We all started somewhere. Big sloppy t-shirts are welcome!


You will learn what works for your body as everyone has their own individual tolerance levels for different foods. This program is all about education so you know what to do to maintain a healthy and happy life.


Giving you an eating plan and telling you to exercise is like giving a student books without a teacher.

That’s why the Healthy Inspirations program includes support with one-on-one coaching sessions to reach and maintain your healthy weight goal.

Exercise - included but optional

The exercise program is supervised and the special machines are designed to provide the best exercise for women of all ages wanting a better shape. Not only will you be slimmer, you'll be firmer too. You can come at the times that suit you.

Our group exercise classes are a part of your membership, so there are no hidden fees.

Our special women's exercise protocol burns more calories and gives you a firmer body in less time.

My Story - Karen

Our family and friends decided to pack our bags and holiday in Bali. I love to travel; I love warm weather, beaches and the chance to swim every day in the sea. But the thought of walking to the water's edge and swimming in the hotel pool filled me with dread.

I wouldn't have achieved all that I have to date without the support of Healthy Inspirations, my friend and gym buddy, as well as the new friends I have made at Healthy Inspirations.

Just do it, take one day at a time!

My Story - Tania

My 1 year old son had more energy than I could dream of and my youngest sister was getting married in December.  I had no inclination to the the 'Fat' in 'Big, Fat Indian Wedding'.

I have more energy and my bloating and water retention are almost gone and all the protein has made my hair and skin glow.

The coaching keeps me honest and motivated.

My Story - Alison

I started February 2017. I weighed 70.8 kg and I'm not a tall lady.  I was sick of having no energy and feeling uncomfortable in my body.

I have more energy, I eat better, I'm not always hungry, and I've dropped in clothes size.

There Are Only 30 Spaces In The 21 Day Transformation - If You're Seeing This Page Then There Are Some Spots Open

* Achieve the target weight or more in just 21 days and then you will receive your next 21 days Membership and Coaching FREE as your reward!

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