November 29, 2018

Advice to throw out the scales seems like a contradiction coming from blog all about weight loss.  Let me tell you why it’s not.

Good health is about a lot more than weight loss. While it’s true that losing weight, especially around the mid-section, leads to better health outcomes, that’s only part of the story.

The best way to lose weight is by ensuring you eat plenty of nutrient-rich foods, and get some regular exercise. It’s no coincidence that this exact strategy has helped many of our members overcome a range of different health issues.

I feel invigorated, lighter and find it easier to move around. It has put the spring back into my step.

Tania S, Lower Hutt NZ

I now have more energy, and am feeling fit. Exercise and a healthy diet mean that my blood pressure is now normal without any medications.

Sharyn S, Blackwood SA

All my medicals have improved. Diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure – all in normal range. I can now walk long distances without puffing and stopping, have lots more energy & loving life!

Mary S, Frewville SA

It was a bit of a leap of faith as one of my autoimmune conditions caused a significant increase in my metabolism which had a negative impact on my overall health BUT my experience has been one of positives rather than negatives – I feel better, look better, am more mobile and feel more in control of what I eat (less dependent on SUGAR!) I have managed to reduce my weight and my cholesterol level to the extent of my physician reviewing my medication – that is a real win!

Mary P, Blackwood SA

Before: I have a long range of issues associated with injuries sustained over 20 years ago whilst in the Army. My doctor suggested a double knee replacement was on the cards, but family history of high cholesterol and heart attack made being sedentary not the answer. My doctor suggested increasing the strength around the joints to help protect my knees and hips.

Now: I have more energy and get up each day with a spring in my step and looking for ways of introducing activity into my day. This energy has also allowed me to ride the challenging waves at work with people commenting on how resilient I have become. As a result of this healthier eating my skin, hair and nails have also improved – and as a sufferer of psoriasis, this has been significant!

Mandy K, Prospect SA

I feel more energetic. I have an issue with my knee and since losing 27kg with Healthy Inspirations I have less joint pain and I am more active, and I can actually run!

Bernadette B, Coffs Coast NSW

I can now say that going in to Healthy Inspirations was a life-changing experience. It has shown me how to eat healthier, never feel hungry, and completely satisfied. Exercise was a dirty word for me: now I have copious amounts of energy and exercise daily.

Sharon B, Burnie TAS

Within a few weeks I was feeling so much better in my body and my mind and as time went on, I’m more active than ever!!! I have more energy than I often know what to do with!

Rachel S, Lower Hutt NZ

Before: I spent most of 2017 in hospital with multiple health issues. I was in a wheelchair as I couldn’t walk, and I was in so much pain I wanted to end my life. Doctors told me that I couldn’t lose weight as I am on steroids.

Now: I am now moving more and going for walks and entering into charity walks, like Breast Cancer & Round the Bridges. Instead of having blood tests every week I now only have them on a monthly basis, as for the first time for the past 6-8 months all my blood tests are in the normal range. I have already been weaned off one steroid and have two more to go.

My doctors & specialist are all asking me how I am losing the weight, what am I doing? They want to pass the information on to other patients who are struggling, so if I can help other people by getting the word out, I am proud.

Anjillena B, Napier NZ

I’m now more energetic and able to cope with my life a lot better.

Lina C, Frewville SA

I gained so many health benefits along the way. I no longer snore!! No more snoring means I sleep much better (so does my husband). My constant lower back pain is gone. I can now walk (and even jog) without the shortness of breath. My skin has improved, and my hairdresser commented on the health of my hair.

Lee-anne G, Burnie TAS

I can’t believe how amazing I feel and my energy levels have increased. I feel so much more confident and positive and I am so proud of what I have achieved. I feel so much happier and I have now started bushwalking and playing sport again, which I was unable to do before I lost all my weight.

Shirley S, Burnie TAS

I gained so many health benefits along the way. I no longer snore!! No more snoring means I sleep much better (so does my husband). My constant lower back pain is gone. I can now walk (and even jog) without the shortness of breath. My skin has improved, and my hairdresser commented on the health of my hair.

Lee-anne G, Burnie TAS

I also have more energy for keeping up with my 3 year old grandson. I know my journey is never going to be over and that this is a lifestyle change, but my future looks so much brighter being Healthy and Strong as I continue working towards my goal weight. Karen D, Lower Hutt

Since joining Healthy Inspirations my health has been 100% better, not just physically but also mentally and emotionally. I have always suffered with asthma but since the beginning of my journey I have gone from using my puffer several times a day to maybe once a month. Crystal M, Burnie

I had a year journey that has led to an amazing transformation both physically and mentally. After a short time in the program I could feel the weight literally dropping off. Meal planning became exciting and a joy as I rediscovered the right foods for my body through the plethora of new recipes to try. As more and more weight dropped off my energy levels increased, my ailments disappeared, I was growing stronger mentally and physically. Happiness was never far from my thoughts as I embraced the new-found support network and made new friends. Caroline M, Frewville

It was a journey with a few little hiccups along the way, but Jen was always there full of encouragement. I’m now fitter, healthier and more active. Bernadette W, Coffs Coast

I now have more energy, eat better and not interested in fatty or sugary foods. Alison R, Lower Hutt

WOW. 6 months later I’d decreased my cholesterol levels which meant no requirement for medication. I woke one morning waiting for my abnormal severe ectopic heart beats to start and it didn’t happen and has stayed in a normal rhythm since!!! My cardiac meds have gone in the bin. I can walk and stand all day and feel so much lighter on my feet. I now sleep better. I feel happy and healthy. Julianne W, Prospect

This was a choice that not only seemed to turn back my ageing clock a little, but it has slowed its rate of progress. I am nearly 69 and can do a Zumba class for an hour, dance with my husband for over 3 hours in an evening, can do planks and push ups and sit ups, can do lunges and squats and get up and down much more gracefully from the floor. Wendy L, Prospect