Talk to anyone who wants to lose weight and you’ll often get this response:
“I know what to eat to lose weight.”
The problem is that “knowing” is only one part of your success equation. It also assumes that your “knowing” is correct – not for everybody, but for your body at your current age.
Habit change is the enemy.
Often our fear of the unknown or the fear of change may be one thing holding us back from starting and/or achieving weight loss success.
If you have struggled with getting to a weight you feel comfortable with, then eating, physical activity, mindset, sleep, environment, relationships, and stress management may all need some change.
So how open are you to change?
Let’s look at five areas that if we can take control over will not only have a positive outcome on our weight loss journey but will also help us to maintain new thoughts and new habits that will support long-term weight management.
1.Commit to be at your best weight and enjoy good health
- You can dream about results all day long but unless you have set your goals it makes it hard to know what actions are required to achieve them.
- Action produces momentum. STOP waiting around for motivation. The only way to get a step closer is take action.
- Overpower your excuses by making decisions based on your values, not your feelings.
- Excuses are lies that are justified by reasons.
- Once you tell the truth and are honest with yourself, progress will begin.
- Be truthful about your ability to lose weight without help.
2. Behaviours that will help you achieve your goals
- Many people rely on motivation, but this often comes after seeing some results. Work on small incremental changes and reward these successes (just not with food).
- Analyse your behaviour with food by looking at your identity (your self-concept) and your responses in different food environments at home, travel, and work.
- Recognise reasons why you’re not sticking to your program: using excuses for your behaviour, like continuing to snack or binge, especially in social situations.
- Be curious about how your body’s energy levels respond to different foods and drinks.
3. Subconscious conversations you have with yourself
- We talk to ourselves way too much so be aware what you are saying to yourself.
- Access any past beliefs and commitments to food and weight that really don’t make any sense.
- Are you nervous eating around other people?
- Are you a committed foodie – “I like food too much”.
- Have you ever said, “Everyone in my family is big or big boned”.
- Don’t waste your energy on things outside your control. What can you control?
- The most important word to learn and action is No.
4. Questions to ask yourself about your food and weight assumptions
- Ask yourself “What are they?”
- Ask yourself “How were they formed?”
- *Ask yourself “When were they formed?”
- It is self-defeating if your past behaviours (that hold you in the past) conflict with how you want your future self to behave.
- Remember to listen to your emotions but avoid taking orders from them.
- Don’t dwell on slip-ups, cut yourself some slack and get back on-plan.
5. Dismantling old habits and embracing new healthy habits
- Say goodbye to what is no longer relevant to your future self.
- Remove any contradiction between the old and the new to reduce conflict.
- Don’t be angry with yourself, be aware and learn to let go of anger and guilt.
- Everything you do should be about optimising the future.
- Don’t be afraid to admit where and when you need help.
- Let go of the past and assumptions that are no longer useful.
- Build self-discipline, self-confidence, and resilience.
- Dips along the way should be expected and managed.
- Spend more time with people who have the same goals.
It takes courage to change your life to become your best self.
If you are ready to make the step towards losing weight successfully our coaches would love to help. Our unique eating program teaches you to identify the foods that work best for your body. Everybody’s responses to different foods is different.
The weekly coaching sessions give you the opportunity to ask questions, develop strategies, and learn more about long-term weight management and health.
Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.